
Teach Agriculture Ohio

Teach Ag Ohio is an initiative of the Ohio FFA Foundation and other Ohio agricultural education partners that works to recruit and retain agricultural educators in the state.

Our Sponsors

Through their support of Teach Ag Ohio, Ohio Corn & Wheat is ensuring the future of agricultural education in Ohio is vibrant. Teach Ag Ohio is also supported by the National Association of Agricultural Educators’ National Teach Ag Campaign which is made possible by the CHS Foundation.

Agricultural Education

Agricultural education teaches students about agriculture, food and natural resources. Through these subjects, agricultural educators teach students a wide variety of skills, including science, math, communications, leadership, management and technology.

Agricultural education is delivered through three interconnected components:

  • Classroom or laboratory instruction
  • Experiential learning — Learning experiences that usually take place outside of the classroom, supervised by the agriculture instructor
  • Leadership education — delivered through student organizations such as the National FFA Organization, the National Young Farmer Education Association, National Postsecondary Agricultural Student Organization and others

Many high school agriculture programs use FFA to enhance the leadership and experiential learning portions of their program. To learn more about Ohio FFA and its influence on agricultural education, visit www.ohioffa.org.